24/7 Hotline
Any questions? You can contact us at +49 671 374 0 around the clock!
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Meeting request
Book guaranteed at the best price.
1 day
Up to 4 hours
1 day
2 days
3 days
1 Room
1 Room
2 Rooms
3 Rooms
With us for the guaranteed best price.
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For bookings through this website from82.00 €
Take leave.

Funeral Service

We regret your loss.


Our team takes over the implementation of the adjoining funeral and provides a venerable frame.

During these hours you will find a retreat with us to exchange memories and to say goodbye in a dignified manner.


We support and advise you.

Tel. +49 671 374 0  E-Mail: info@caravelle-kreuznach.de


We have put together complete proposals.

Flat rate 1


  • 2 half sandwiches
  • 1 piece of crumble cake
  • Unlimited coffee and tea
  • Decoration by us


EUR 20.00 per person


Services that can be booked: various soups, pies or mini quiches

We are also happy to take your individual wishes into account.


Flat rate 2


  • 3 canapés
  • 1 piece of fruit cake & braid
  • Unlimited coffee and tea
  • Decoration by us


EUR 23.00 per person


Services that can be booked: various soups, pies or mini quiches

We are also happy to take your individual wishes into account.